I will be going to Sierra Leone in January 2012 as a VSO volunteer in the Princess Christian Maternity Hospital in Freetown. I will be working as an obstetrician and helping to train new doctors and midwives. Resources are short and the birth rate is high . . . it's going to be a challenging year.

Thursday 8 December 2011

VSO Fundraiser

On Sunday 4th December I held a salsa fundraiser event at Grange Cricket Club in Edinburgh.
There was a great turnout from the salsa community, family and friends.
Generous donations from professional dancers and teachers led to some great sessions on the evening and wonderful prizes on offer in the raffle!
My friend Frances McKay did a fantastic job in helping to organise the event, drum up support and sell lots of tickets.
People on the night had a great time, danced their feet off and gave very generously too.

At the end of the night we had raised a grand total of £750 from tickets, raffle and donations, smashing our target and putting my fundraising over the £1000 mark overall!

Friday 18 November 2011

Filling every minute!

I've had a pretty busy 3 weeks at work in Forth Park, doing my on-call block of nights, long days and weekends. Finished the last shift this morning feeling exhausted but relieved that I now have a bit of breathing space to carry on getting things sorted out for heading to Freetown in January.
I am relieved that I am getting contacts over in Sierra Leone, who can give me good advice on what to expect and what to bring.
I am also really touched by the support from a whole range of people back home in lots of different areas, from fundraising to practical help for moving house or getting my equipment sorted.
Forth Park is closing in January and moving to a new site together with the main medical unit in Kirkcaldy. Ironically, the closing day there is probably going to fall on my last week of work before leaving with VSO, so I am definitely wanting to attend the big leaving party and say goodbye to everyone!

Sunday 30 October 2011

Carolyn Ford is fundraising for Voluntary Service Overseas

Carolyn Ford is fundraising for Voluntary Service Overseas

Preparing to volunteer

Well, there is certainly a lot to do as I prepare to depart for Sierra Leone.
I've just had new windows fitted in my flat, and painted all the frames in last weekend!
Now getting things ready to move all my stuff out and rent it out while I'm away (anyone looking for a nice 2-bedroom flat with garden front and back?).
Also doing my online courses and weekends at VSO in Birmingham, getting all my travel jags and trying to do some fundraising! Meantime doing what I can to prepare for my placement in the hospital in Freetown.
Everyone has been really supportive and I couldn't do this without my family and friends. I'm just getting to grips with this blog thing too, but hopefully can use it to keep everyone up-to-date on my activities while overseas......will try to upload this now!